I always thought that when you get older and earn more money, that life becomes easier and more enjoyable. Nobody told me that all that actually happens is you spend more as you earn more and that bills tht would have seemed horrendous ten years ago are the smaller, insignificant ones now! With a big mortgage, extension loan, car loan and school fees my monthly outgoings already top £3500 net. With all the other luxuries added on - you know lighting, heating, food.. we get through £5000 net a month. Its ok when we pull £7000 in a month but when contracts are is tight and I'm relying on the wifes £3500 its surprising just how quickly the overdraft tops out and the debit card gets refused at the checkout.
The UK stinks! I'm sick of giving so much of my money to the government each month and I'm fed up with the numbers of immigrants who are sweeping across our borders. Don't get me wrong, I'm no racist (though recently it seems that even having an opinion regarding immigration is deemed racist). For the record one of my sisters in law is Indian, my best mate is African and I have a circle of Polish mates I meet up with regularly.
The fact is though, that having been born and brought up in one area of the UK, I have seen the changes and experiened at first hand the rising population, the congestion, the foreign accents as I walk up the high street. A lot of this is because of a naturally rising poplulation - but its not been helped by the vast numbers of immigrants who have arrived.
There used to be clear divisions between towns in the UK, stretches of green farmland. London ws first to grow out of all proportion and now, what was separated by meadows is joined with flyovers, housing estates and shopping precincts. Greater London is forever becoming greater, taking in Chertsey, Virginia Water, Ascot, Bracknell, Wokingham and Reading in huge huge surge of development and humanity.
Driving from one side of town to the other was a task undertaken in minutes just six or seven years ago - now even on a Sunday a dash to B&Q can take all afternoon!
We live on an island. We pay taxes. Our taxes should make our lives easier. They don't!
Why do we pay so much fuel duty? Technology is such that alternative green fuels will have been invented, refined then stowed away in a dark cupboard until oil finally runs out. The reason? Because too many people make too much money to allow a cheaper, more efficient, eco friendly fuel to take a place in the world economy. Does the government know there are other fuels out there? I think sooo!!
So why don't they insist we use them? Because the oil companys are a. more powerful than the government. b. Because the government makes vast fortunes from fuel duty, 'rightly' collected from us motorists because the very use of oil fuel is dirty, poisenous and evil! and c. Because if there were a clean, sustainable fuel, there would be no more reason to charge duty, which would encourage more people out on to the roads, which would create more cost, not revenue for the government.
It wouldn't even be so bad if we received detailed accounts regarding govrnment expenditue each year, just like I have to submit for my company, then we could see where our money was going.
But our money goes into a vast black hole, the government are not accountable for the cash they choose to waste, we the population have become so complacent and tired of successive governments whose ministers are golden one day and dust the next. Government ministers used to be role models for all society. Now few are respected , fewer still give straight answers to straight questions and we the public expect nothing from them but greed, corruption and self promotion .
I won't bother to read this blog through. I'm quite sure it makes me sound like a sad past-it old git so at least its acurate.