Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Jeremy Corbyn - No to Shoot to Kill - Corbyn is a danger not only to himself but all of us..

Jeremy Corbyn is a man deeply entrenched in his own ideals and woe betides anyone who dares question them. For Corbyn, despite his pacifist leanings, is quick to discipline those around him who disagree or show the slightest disloyalty.. and as leader of the opposition party, he relishes the new power that enables him to do so.

It won’t take long before Labour’s ‘old guard’ are removed (whether of their own free will or not), and Corbynites moved in… to follow his idealistic agenda without question or regard for the greater good.

Corbyn and the corbynites are people with no regard for the ‘ordinary person’. In their (ideal) world we would be equalised, our individual ambitions crushed, our housing, clothing, food, employment and wages provided for us in a way to ensure no one had more or less than anybody else. Sounds good? Then check out that 70’s hipster Pol Pot from that little place on the other side of the world called Cambodia. Take your time..

Like Pol Pot, Corbyn has benefitted from a good education – of a standard he would have denied his own children had his wife not stood her ground, divorced him and taken control of their children’s education.

Why is Corbyn so very, very wrong?

Because life is not equal. If it were, we would all be clones of each other, the same looks, the same heights, strengths and weaknesses. We would be ants..! (and he would be the queen).

At school, there was always the child who ran faster and won at sports day, there was the child who could work out mathematic equations in their head in a flash whilst the rest of us struggled even with a calculator. There were those who could draw, others who understood languages and so on. We were never equal..!

And then the social differences, differing degrees of luck, of learning ability, intelligence, ambition and opportunity absolutely mean that some of us are destined for more or less success than others. Is it always fair? Is it equal? No, not always. But it’s not fair that some people are blessed with good looks and others not and that some people are more prone to disease than others. Come to that, it’s not fair that some people live longer than others is it?

We are not equal..! nor should we be..!

That is why Corbyn is so wrong.

But worse.. Corbyn’s beliefs make him dangerous to all of us, no matter where we are on the social scale.

Corbyn fails to recognise – in his idealistic view of an equal society – that in addition to everything else that makes us individuals, we do not think the same thoughts as each other – and that by instilling his individual ideals on us, he is acting in exactly the biased, non-equal way he bemoans…
In other words, we will all be equal but he will be a ‘little bit more’ equal..!
(The queen ant to all us ordinary ants)

Make no mistake, Corbyn is drunk on power, willing to sack his advisers if they disagree with him, confident enough to not to sing the national anthem if he doesn’t want to, with his top button undone and tie askew, a deliberate finger not only at the establishment but at everyone – all of us who understand what a privilege it is to be British.

Which brings me to current affairs.. Corbyn says he doesn’t agree with shoot to kill, says Jihadi John should have been clapped in handcuffs and put before a court.. all very peaceable and idealistic isn’t it?

True, events that have occurred over generations have contributed to the situation and terror threats we face today – but that, I’m afraid, is the consequence of human nature in a realistic world, where mistakes are made and decisions regretted.. and true, one mistake should not condone another. Yet mistakes have been made, people lives and beliefs changed forever and there is no reset button to life so we have to deal with the consequences.

There are those amongst us who would give the shirts off our backs to help people in need but there are also those who would rip the shirts from our bodies, pull our hearts from our chests and eat them raw. That is not ideal.. but it is a reality. In other words, some of us respect life at every level and others have no regard for life whatsoever.

If, following Corbyn’s ideal, we lay down our weapons and open our arms to ISIS, attempt to talk, attempt to compromise, it will be too late when they simply aim their own weapons at us, flick off the safeties and send us to our graves.. too late for Corbyn also, who will have the most surprised and disappointed look on his face as the bullets rip through him.. too late to utter the words… ‘But I thought…’ 

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